11AnnaVuchkovaAnna Vuchkova

Anna Vuchkova is from Kiustendil. She learned the piano in the music class of the Daskal Dimitri Secondary School in Kiustendil. She holds a M.A. in Folk Ensembles Conducting from the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv and a professional qualification in Teaching and Performing of Folk Singing.

Q.: How long have you been involved with music?

A.: For 35 years now.

Q.: From which geographical area is the costume you wear on stage?


A.: It is a Shopi Folklore dress.

Q.: What is the Cosmic Voices from Bulgaria Choir for you?

A.:-It is a pleasant environment  where I can do one of the things I love best.

Q.: Your favorite Bulgarian proverb?

A.: You hit it in one place, but it breaks in another (meaning one is meant, but another thing is understood).

Q.: What inspires you?

A.: Music!

Q.: What is music to you? –

A.: It is inspiration.

Q.: What kind of music do you like to listen to?

A.: I like different genres, but mainly jazz and classical music.

Q.: What do you dream of?

A.: To be surrounded by peaceful and happy people.

Q.: The best thing is......?

A.: My son!